Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Me,

Reasons Why:

1. Depth of conversation - wanting to go into the why of life
2. Wants to do everything WELL (living, talking, sharing, dying, reading, listening, being, doing)
3. Has the desire to prepare me for marriage through dating - to be able to hand me off to my husband (...or himself, then) having upheld me in honor and helped me grow and become a better Jesus-lover, and a better bride.
4. Loves beautiful things, especially fashion - appreciates the art of wearing clothes, etc.
5. Doesn't think I say to much, encourages me to say all that I mean to say well "with a resolving chord."
6. Is a Torrey Student = an intellectual ;)
7. Is tall
8. Knows his name, cares about words and their meanings, understands the importance of your name
9. Knows how to be direct and say exactly what's on his mind
10. Refuses to be a part of my identity. Will take no part in it. Wants it to be just me and Jesus
11. Has an amusing sense of humor.
12. Reminds me of Innocent Smith
13. Knows how to listen, values my life and wants to hear about it.
14. Talks at least as much as I do
15. Values his time - knows when to buckle down and get things accomplished (i.e.: chose to study for finals instead of talking to me
16. Writes letters - appreciates the art of letter writting
17. Wants me to live well, speak well, say what I mean, mean what I say, love Jesus
18. Thinks I love Jesus a lot. Very drawn to that. - Jesus told him to look for the girls who love Him.
19. Asks the question: "Not just who do I want to marry, but who do I want to bring as a sister to my siblings? As a daughter to my parents? Who do I want to bring in as a complementing addition to my family?" "You" he said.
20. His mom approves because of my (very good) relationship with my father
21. Establishes value in symbols, aka. his Aragorn's ring
22. Doesn't succumb to social traditions just because everybody else is doing it, aka. his evenstar pendant instead of a purity ring.
23. We had a major depth of friendship where we were not concerned with the typical social standards for relationships (or non-dating ones esp.)
25. He values good stories, LOTR, Narnia, their authors, HP, etc.
26. Is a bona fide nerd
27. Respects me more since I said I wasn't going to kiss (until the appropriate time).
28. I love being around him, talking to him, sharing life with him during and after it's happened.
29. He isn't going to talk to me again until Jesus tells him to.

Reasons Why Not Yet...:

1. We're not in a place where we can make life altering decisions. Such as moving and settling in a state to be near each other. Because...
2. We're both still in school.
3. I don't know what I want to do or who I want to be when I grow up
4. Living in a long distance relationship is going to be harder than we can realize or imagine
5. We don't actually know each other's families yet. So: I've never seen how he treats his mom.
6. Jesus hasn't said yes, yet.

Reasons Why Not:

1. I don't know if what he is planning on spending on doing with the rest of his life ding (i.e. becoming a lawyer, and what all he's studying) is for Jesus - if it's surrendered, or imposed.
2. I don't know his level of commitment to me, how much he is willing to sacrifice in order to be with me, and to allow me and support me in Jesus' call on my life.
3. If Jesus says no.

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